I try to carpool with my room mates as often as possible to save gas. Obviously, as soon as I finish Zandreva (Zandrevel) I'll ride her to work. P.S. I'm thinking of those names for the bike instead of Aeloung. I'll decide on one or the other in time.
Today I went to leave work, only to find all of my room mates had already gone home... so I took my office scooter on a seven mile journey. I don't think people are used to seeing a 24 year old riding a double-long scooter with long handlebars, antennae, a slinky and a PXI packplane PCB cruising down the bicycle lane... lots of startled looks.

Note that there are three axis of rotation when riding with one hand; this thing took a long time to master riding.
Back in 29erville:

I put two chains together and made an absurdly long single speed. The chain clears the chainstay by 3mm and is VERY tight. To loosen it up a bit, I purchased a half-link online:

Pretty cool, eh? Each link allows you to scoot the back wheel back 1/4", or in my case allows me to use just a chain without moving the wheel forward 1/4". I also bought a Surly chain tensioner because I'm sure I'll need it and was more interested in the half-link as a novelty item:

I also got some Armadillo tires, which are thick as hell and should hold up to my speed (I wore the borrowed tires out in 2 days on this thing). I also went to get in old hub built up, but it was cheaper to just buy a new wheel with the same hub already built... so if anyone wants an XT hub, let me know :).
So here's where I'm at for now:

I'm currently waiting on:
-2 packs on A123 cells (16 cells total; I'm up to 192 cells overall (1.6kWh)
-1 Chain Tensioner
- Replacement Anderson crimps
Also, various other things, none of which are necessary to get me riding, such as a speedometer so I can see my range, a rear light,
I'm currently working on:
-Finding a foam for the batteries
-Attaching motor controller to bottom of wooden deck.
-Figuring out wire routing
-Finding time to work on bike
Future goals:
-Waterproof PVC cases
-Higher current battery charger (I built one but haven't used it yet due to concern of balancing).
-Rack to hold guns and/or another bike. That way I can go shooting or mountain biking.