Armed with a list of 'essential items' everyone should have, I went to HEB and for once felt like I knew what I was doing in the baking isle. A farce, as I forgot both butter and baking powder). Of course, I also left my cash monies at work, so I had to run home and grab some fast cash... HEB closed at midnight... it was 11:48... I made it back with a wad of bills at 11:59. Got it all home and on the shelf:
Stocked up, good to go.
I also got some of the essential tools I'll need. After cooking tonight, I'll say that there's a huge difference between every crap cooking knife I've ever used and the one I bought tonight... spend the $20, it's worth it! The upgrade is similar to upgrading from picking boobies out of National Geographic to finding your older brothers porn stash; you'll never go back to Scramblevision...
Made a nice fruit salad... it's in the fridge, forgot pix. Uneventful, as it's chopped fruit.
Cooked some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey, and garlic. Delicious with multigrain bread.
Kitchen is trashed. Corn bread is in the oven now. I added some vanilla, cinnamon, and honey to the mix... not in the recipe, but it sounds good. We'll see how it turns out, but it sure smells good, too.
Got distracted (had to change records (Rumours)). Cornbread's done:
Damn straight
That's all for now... never thought I'd stay up til 2:30 cooking.
Kitchen's clean: