Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Trip Waste

A fresh batch of fruits and veggies each week sure is a lot of cooking!  I haven't been able to keep up, probably due to the lack of room mate over the past 10 days, the 8 days I spent out of town over the past two weeks and the 4 days I'll be out of town this week.  Unfortunately, I have 14 pounds of veggies that are either bad or will be by the time I get back home next week :(

Wasted food:

I stumbled upon someone else's much larger waste while biking the soon to be destroyed Spicewood Springs road (

bought some beer

I had to try four loko... you won't be missed.

This is my favorite shower head in the world.  If you tilt your head just right, a little piece of heaven falls all over you.

Massive matrix:

rebuilt the Yeti... next race is a 12 hour sprint relay with 3 other NIers in Warda, TX.

 Snow Yeti:

 Definitely a little confused by this sign.

If you can guess what this is, I'll buy you a drink.  Hint, it predates the combustion motor.

Cooked some awesome potatoes from a recipe I picked up at a party.

Got a whole bunch of Dog Fish Head Chateau Jiahu, etc.

off to bed