Sunday, February 27, 2011

Coopers, Continentals, Cars

While on a particularly boring conference call, I brainstormed a list of all the things I've done since my last post... but now I can't find it so I'll start from 5 minutes ago and work my way back in future posts.

But first, an intro from last week.  Our CEO invited the guy who literally defined 'aerobics' -Kenneth Cooper- to speak at NI last week about the importance of being healthy... inspirational guy... anyways, he has this 12 minute running test that's supposed to approximate VO2max.  So I just got back from running an even 3000 meters (actually 2998), which puts me in the 'excellent' category for 'athletes', but in the 'very bad' category for 'experienced athletes'... My goal is to move up two levels to 'average' in the next 6 months... which means my dual 6:20 miles need to get down to 5:41, a 10% improvement... doable.


Let's see, I converted Qimikom (my commuter) to a single speed using recycled parts from our local yellow bike project; loving it.  I ran a 42:15 for two weeks, but then moved up to a 42:18 to keep my cadence up.  At some point I broke 3000 miles officially on the the ebike, but it hasn't seen much use of late... I've only ridden it to work 4 times in 2011, opting instead to ride the single speed.

Sold the truck, or rather Stressless Auto -- a friend-driven endeavor -- sold it for about $1000 more than I thought I'd get.  Using the proceeds to pay my taxes.  So now I'm officially carless, but I've felt that way for over a year now.  I'm sure carlessness won't last forever, but it's working now.  I'm gonna buy a POS Honda 198x CRX hatchback when I need a car... under 1 grand, max.

Getting ready for SXSW: sifting through thousands of songs (using a USB PS2 controller with scrips (to delete, go forward 20 seconds, keep, track to seconds from start and end, etc) to increase my browsing speed... I can get through several hundred songs an hour.

Debating a climbing trip to Potrero Chico in a few weeks; I'll need to decide to tomorrow or so...

going to sleep in a hammock in the back yard.  More info and pix later... gotta get up at 5 in the AM.